Thursday 29 April 2010

Tour Planning and Saving weight

Hello and welcome to my blog! I have been planing a cycle tour through France for the last month or so. It's the first time I have gone away alone and done something like this so I am a little apprehensive about it all! I have a ferry booked for 21st May and it's taking me to Caen in northern France. From there I plan to wild camp and cycle through the west of France to Biarritz where I plan to stay for a week and go hiking in the Pyrenees with some friends. This is where i'm going to put up photos and diary entries as I go along for anyone that can be bothered to read through it!

I have been buying all my bike kit this week and have done allot of reading about what I need to take and how I should setup my bike. I found this blog by a man who seems obsessed with weight saving and goes into great detail about how to save grams! It is a rather funny read at times just seeing the lengths that he has gone to to save absolutly as much weight as possible whilst touring. It seems like he has a kind of weird obsession! Check it out.

Weight Saving Guide

I am going to upload some photos of my bike soon when I have all my kit ready..



  1. Well done on going for it, and do write about it, because I want to read about it.


  2. Sounds really exciting. Looking forward to hearing how you find France and the French. Will follow you closely (may be literally if I get my bike repaired on time and if it's all on the flat). But keep looking ahead. Good luck and take care! Monique

  3. Hi Carl, This trip is very adventurous, especially on your own. I'll be following it with interest. I hope you don't get too many punctures. Cheers Roy.

  4. Hi Carl, I am at Mums at the moment and heard you had left today; hadn't realised it was so soon. Thinking about you huudled up at the side of a long straight French Road cowering in your tent as juggernauts thunder past. If any of them stop then you need to start worrying!
    Look forward to hearing some funny stories.

    Love David xxx

  5. Hi Carl, Wondering where you are just now. Ihope you are tired and fast asleep and having good dreams.
    Looking forward to hearing your news.
    Lots of love

  6. Hi Carl,
    We have been thinking about you this weekend.We know about your first two days but we don't know exactly where you have reached.Would like to know exactly where you are every day or when you can. The weather is very hot here today and we think it will be difficult for you if it is the same on your route.Still it is better than pouring rain. You'll just have to take your time and enjoy looking around. David Donna and kids came here on Friday and today David has gone on a 110K( I think)bike ride. We are thinking about both of you riding in the hot sun.We are wondering what weight you are carrying. Interesting to know.
    Good luck . Dying to know some details. Are you doing a diary? You should do because you will not remember much in a few years and you will wish you had done.
    Lots of love from Roy and me.

  7. Hi Carl,
    Today Thursday 27th.We are following your progress. Looked on the map to see where you were last night. Rochefort we understand. You are moving well. Heard you had three punctures very close to each other. You must have been cursing!
    I have looked at the weather around where you are and further south.Apart from a couple of showers tomorrow I think there does not seem to be any rain for the next week. just quite cloudy some days. I suppose the further you go south teh warmer it gets so you won't want too much if any sun.I hope that when you have finished your hard day or even perhaps during the day sometimes you are able to "enjoy" some moments. People aften ask me if I enjoy walking. I always say NO. It's not the hard walking I enjoy it's what it allows me to experience, see and do. And I really enjoy it when it is finished and in retrospect for ever.
    Looking forward to more updates.
    Bon courage!
    Monique& Roy
